Title: Narco Terror MULTi7-PROPHET
Genre: Action, Arcade, Shooter
Developer: KochMedia
Publisher: KochMedia
Release Date: Jul 31, 2013
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese-Brazil
File Size: 1.09 GB / Single Link Compressed
Narco Terror is a wild, collateral-justice twin-stick shooter that combines the magnetism and atmosphere of 80's movies and games, with high-def visuals and overwhelming, destructive chaos. The campaign supports co-op play with up to two players on a single machine, or online co-op with players able to drop in or drop out at any point.
Dishing out justice, one grenade at a time! Narco Terror combines the good of the old and the amazing of the new in an action-packed twin-stick shooter about an over-the-top one-man war against a drug cartel. In true arcade-style, it is filled with unlimited ammo, ear-splitting grenades, huge explosions, massive tanks, armed helicopters and fast planes. 1-2 players drop in/out, local and online.
Genre: Action, Arcade, Shooter
Developer: KochMedia
Publisher: KochMedia
Release Date: Jul 31, 2013
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese-Brazil
File Size: 1.09 GB / Single Link Compressed
Narco Terror is a wild, collateral-justice twin-stick shooter that combines the magnetism and atmosphere of 80's movies and games, with high-def visuals and overwhelming, destructive chaos. The campaign supports co-op play with up to two players on a single machine, or online co-op with players able to drop in or drop out at any point.
Dishing out justice, one grenade at a time! Narco Terror combines the good of the old and the amazing of the new in an action-packed twin-stick shooter about an over-the-top one-man war against a drug cartel. In true arcade-style, it is filled with unlimited ammo, ear-splitting grenades, huge explosions, massive tanks, armed helicopters and fast planes. 1-2 players drop in/out, local and online.